Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Red Mocassins
The Power of a Mother’s Love In the story â€Å"Red Mocassins†by Susan Power, she tries to get her readers to feel a certain way about specific characters in her story. The story pushes me to be annoyed with Joyce, and genuinely like Anna. Power portrays Joyce to be lazy, inconsiderate, selfish and, most importantly, a bad mother. The complete opposite of this is her cousin, Anna, who is loving, generous and nurturing. Several places in the text demonstrate the qualities of each of these two women. Because of this evidence in the text, it is obvious that this author wants me not to like Joyce, and feel compassion towards Anna. Power makes Joyce look like a bad mother right from the beginning of the story. Joyce is portrayed not to be â€Å"mother material†because Anna, her cousin, is the one working on Bernardine’s first Sioux costume. Power says in the text that â€Å"Ordinarily a mother would do this, but Dina’s was the next thing to useless. Joyce Blue Kettle had never gotten close enough to a needle to stick herself, let alone sew a costume†(409). A reader already looks at Joyce in a negative way because she should have been the one fulfilling this important tradition for her only daughter. Joyce is obviously jealous of her cousin Anna. Anna recalls stories of their childhood and how obnoxious Joyce was towards her. Joyce’s husband, Clifford, loved Anna, not Joyce, but Joyce soon changed that. Clifford bought Anna many little gifts when they were children. One time Clifford brought Anna a glass eye, and â€Å"It was too much for Joyce. She intercepted the gift, snatched it from the palm of my hand as I studied the green iris. She took Clifford over the same way, ordering him around, demanding his attention, and because I did not love Clifford, I let her keep him†(410). Joyce wanted everything Anna had, and again is portrayed to be someone I would dislike. However, in that particular instance someone coul... Free Essays on Red Mocassins Free Essays on Red Mocassins The Power of a Mother’s Love In the story â€Å"Red Mocassins†by Susan Power, she tries to get her readers to feel a certain way about specific characters in her story. The story pushes me to be annoyed with Joyce, and genuinely like Anna. Power portrays Joyce to be lazy, inconsiderate, selfish and, most importantly, a bad mother. The complete opposite of this is her cousin, Anna, who is loving, generous and nurturing. Several places in the text demonstrate the qualities of each of these two women. Because of this evidence in the text, it is obvious that this author wants me not to like Joyce, and feel compassion towards Anna. Power makes Joyce look like a bad mother right from the beginning of the story. Joyce is portrayed not to be â€Å"mother material†because Anna, her cousin, is the one working on Bernardine’s first Sioux costume. Power says in the text that â€Å"Ordinarily a mother would do this, but Dina’s was the next thing to useless. Joyce Blue Kettle had never gotten close enough to a needle to stick herself, let alone sew a costume†(409). A reader already looks at Joyce in a negative way because she should have been the one fulfilling this important tradition for her only daughter. Joyce is obviously jealous of her cousin Anna. Anna recalls stories of their childhood and how obnoxious Joyce was towards her. Joyce’s husband, Clifford, loved Anna, not Joyce, but Joyce soon changed that. Clifford bought Anna many little gifts when they were children. One time Clifford brought Anna a glass eye, and â€Å"It was too much for Joyce. She intercepted the gift, snatched it from the palm of my hand as I studied the green iris. She took Clifford over the same way, ordering him around, demanding his attention, and because I did not love Clifford, I let her keep him†(410). Joyce wanted everything Anna had, and again is portrayed to be someone I would dislike. However, in that particular instance someone coul... Free Essays on Red Mocassins The Power of a Mother’s Love In the story â€Å"Red Mocassins†by Susan Power, she tries to get her readers to feel a certain way about specific characters in her story. The story pushes me to be annoyed with Joyce, and genuinely like Anna. Power portrays Joyce to be lazy, inconsiderate, selfish and, most importantly, a bad mother. The complete opposite of this is her cousin, Anna, who is loving, generous and nurturing. Several places in the text demonstrate the qualities of each of these two women. Because of this evidence in the text, it is obvious that this author wants me not to like Joyce, and feel compassion towards Anna. Power makes Joyce look like a bad mother right from the beginning of the story. Joyce is portrayed not to be â€Å"mother material†because Anna, her cousin, is the one working on Bernardine’s first Sioux costume. Power says in the text that â€Å"Ordinarily a mother would do this, but Dina’s was the next thing to useless. Joyce Blue Kettle had never gotten close enough to a needle to stick herself, let alone sew a costume†(409). A reader already looks at Joyce in a negative way because she should have been the one fulfilling this important tradition for her only daughter. Joyce is obviously jealous of her cousin Anna. Anna recalls stories of their childhood and how obnoxious Joyce was towards her. Joyce’s husband, Clifford, loved Anna, not Joyce, but Joyce soon changed that. Clifford bought Anna many little gifts when they were children. One time Clifford brought Anna a glass eye, and â€Å"It was too much for Joyce. She intercepted the gift, snatched it from the palm of my hand as I studied the green iris. She took Clifford over the same way, ordering him around, demanding his attention, and because I did not love Clifford, I let her keep him†(410). Joyce wanted everything Anna had, and again is portrayed to be someone I would dislike. However, in that particular instance someone coul...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Facts About the Province of Prince Edward Island
Facts About the Province of Prince Edward Island The smallest province in Canada, Prince Edward Island is famous for red sand beaches, red soil, potatoes, and the irrepressible Anne of Green Gables. It also is known as the Birthplace of Confederation. The Confederation Bridge which joins Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick takes just ten minutes to cross, with no wait times. Location of Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island is in the Gulf of St. Lawrence on the east coast of Canada Prince Edward Island is separated from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia by the Northumberland Strait See maps of Prince Edward Island Area of Prince Edward Island 5,686 sq. km (2,195 sq. miles) (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Population of Prince Edward Island 140,204 (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Capital City of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Date Prince Edward Island Entered Confederation July 1, 1873 Government of Prince Edward Island Liberal Last Prince Edward Island Provincial Election May 4, 2015 Premier of Prince Edward Island Premier Wade MacLauchlan Main Prince Edward Island Industries Agriculture, tourism, fishing and manufacturing See Also:Canadian Provinces and Territories - Key Facts
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economic Impact of Imperialism in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Economic Impact of Imperialism in India - Essay Example Britain applied the most complex methods to abuse India's vast rich economic reserves. 200 years later of the British control India's economic set up was completely shattered. India in 1947 was a picture of economic underdevelopment with hunger, poverty; low national income etc. Indian agriculture had been cared for by the East India Company. This was chiefly because the major generators of state income were land revenue. Apart from this, the British government wanted to make India as its agricultural base. Since agricultural produce from India could make available cheap raw materials to industrial England. The Company tried a variety of experiments to make the most of the land revenue by falling back to the technique of domination and suppression of the peasants. The system of farming and collecting land revenue became obsolete. Cornwallis introduced the 'Permanent Settlement' which is nothing but a system of collecting land Revenue in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa in the year 1793. Following decision makers brought in the Ryotwari system in the Bombay Presidency and it was introduced in most parts of the Madras Presidency. The Mahalwari system showed exceedingly ravaging in the part of Uttar Pradesh. The Zamindary system promoted absentee landlordism. It final ly produced a host of mediators between the state and the cultivator. This complex system of land revenue created a group of moneylenders. These money lenders, in turn, oppressed the poor peasants by lending them at high interests. The poor cultivators could not repay those high interests and finally submitted their lands to those moneylenders. As a result, famine was the common feature of the time. Indian industries bore maximum atrocities under the British domination. The authority and wide-ranging sale of the Indian handicraft in Europe was aimed at the commercial interests of the Company. The Whig governments during the early years of the 18th century enforced heavy duties on Indians textiles imports in Britain. At the end of the Napoleonic wars, the Indian markets were opened to the British for free trade. The British government was now allowed for British machine-made goods to be poured in India duty-free or at minimum cost only. A policy of one-way free trade was also introduced in India which made the Indian handicrafts lose its market. This brought about a great wretchedness to a key section of Indian population.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The potential for gaining weight is higher when work is for a night Essay
The potential for gaining weight is higher when work is for a night shift rather than day and evening shift - Essay Example Conventionally, the innate biological clock have more often been overlooked and set aside by its anatomic owner because of changes in lifestyle, and because of economic developments which is now more of intensified productivity to cope with increasing demand. Consequently, organizational operations maybe 24/7, which requires at most 3 different sets of workers. So, there are those that are assigned to day shift. There are also separate set of workers assigned for the evening shift. And, another set is assigned for the night shift. The workers assigned for the day shift are the most likely set of people who obeys the law of nature in terms of meeting the number of hours for rest at a particular time of the night that the body has been accustomed to while growing up. Thus, given that the same set of people eats at regular interval, a balance diet, then, biological physiologic functions of the body can be presumed to run normal as well as body size and weight. Conversely, the potential for gaining weight is higher when work is for a night shift rather than day and evening shift.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Exterminate the brutes Essay Example for Free
Exterminate the brutes Essay â€Å"The Heart of Darkness†by Conrad is one of the great novels of English literature. This novel exposes the greed, malice and selfishness of the European men. They exploit the wealth of Africa in the name of civilizing the natives. They take away their ivory and in return gave them hunger, destitution, poverty, degradation and death. The English men of this novel lack morals and conscience. Conrad observed the hypocrisy of his countrymen and exposed it in a marvelous way in this short piece of art. In this novel he brings before us the nature of â€Å"western superiority†in primitive lands. Reading this story repeatedly, we know that the dark English coast before him recalls for Marlow the darkness of modern Africa, which is the natural darkness of the jungle but more than that the darkness of moral vacancy, leading to the atrocities he has beheld in Africa. This moral darkness of Africa, we learn later, is not the darkness of the ignorance of the natives, but of the Whitman who blinded themselves and corrupted the natives by their claim to be light-bearers. Walter Allen believes that, â€Å"The Heart of Darkness of the title is at once the heart of Africa, the heart of evil- everything that is nihilistic corrupt and malign – and perhaps the heart of man†According to Conrad himself, the story of â€Å"heart of darkness†is about the â€Å"criminality of inefficiency and pure selfishness when tackling the civilizing working Africa†. In the story Marlow makes much of the inefficiency and selfishness he sees everywhere along his journey in Africa. But it is the criminality of the civilizing work itself that receives the heaviest emphasis in the novel as a whole. J. W. Beach believes that Kurtz is the representative and dramatization of all that Conrad felt of futility and horror in what the Europeans in the Congo called â€Å"progress†, which meant the exploitation of the natives by the white men. Kurtz was to Marlow, penetrating this country, a name, constantly recurring in people’s talk, for cleverness and enterprise. But there were slight intimations, growing stronger as Marlow drew near to the heart of darkness, of traits and practices so abhorrent to all our notions of decency, honor and humanity that the enterprising trader gradually takes on the proportion of a ghastly and almost supernatural monster symbol for Marlow of the general spirit of this European undertaking On his journey up the Congo, Marlow comes across the forsaken railway truck, looking as dead as the carcass of some animal; the brick maker idling for a year with no bricks and no hope of materials for making them; the â€Å"wanton smashup†of drainage pipes abandoned in a ravine; burst, piled up cases of rivets at the outer station and no way of getting them to the damaged steam boat at the Central Station; the vast artificial hole somebody had been digging on the slope- all these and many more are the examples of the criminality of the inefficiency. Wilson Follet believed that in this novel, â€Å"the European is shown drained, diseased, a prey to madness and unutterable horror and death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This proves that the white men over there, except the company’s accountant, are inefficient and selfish. They themselves do nothing, whereas on the other hand they exploit the natives to the maximum, they extract the maximum workout of them and pay them three nine –inch long brass-wire pieces a week, which are insufficient to buy them anything. As such most of the natives are starving and dying. This novel is a very faithful accord of the cruelties and atrocities perpetrated on the natives of Africa by their European masters. Talking of the roman conquest of England, Conrad says, it was â€Å"just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a grand scale, and men going at it blind-as is very proper for those who tackle darkness†. What Romans had done in England, the English did in South Africa. Marlow admits that English conquests, like all others, â€Å"means the taking away it from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves,†though Kurtz went to the African jungle with an idea to civilize the natives; he saw his mission in Africa as that of torchbearer for white civilization. But very soon he starts extracting from the natives human sacrifices to himself as god. Finally, his hatred for the natives plunged to the depth out of which came his prescription of the only method for dealing with primitive people: â€Å"Exterminate the brutes! †The European Whitman in Africa is parasites; they are hollow; they have no personal moral vision of their inhumanity and folly. They are also collapsible, because their society’s institutions are incapable to hold them up. Ivory has become the idol of the foolish run of European pilgrims; and Kurtz is no exception. †all Europe contributed to the making of Kurtz. †Joseph Conrad is a modern artist. He uses impressionistic technique of novel writing in his novel, â€Å" The Heart of Darkness†. The appeal of a novel, Joseph Conrad wrote, â€Å"must be and impression conveyed through senses â€Å". This impression could not be conveyed through the most complete inventory of details; it is an intuitive whole and must be rendered so, instantaneously. †the meaning of an episode is not inside like a kernel but outside enveloping it,†his spokesman Marlow declared. He avoids generalized narrative. He tell us the story in vivid impressions something like Virginia wolf. E. M. Forster in his seminal novel â€Å" A Passage To India’ too discuss some what â€Å"the Heart of Darkness†like situation. This novel discusses in detail the severe clash between the two fundamentally different cultures, those of East and West. The administration and their families residing there represent the westerners. Although these western people wish to maintain good relations with the easterners whom they govern, they have no desire to understand India or Indians. The Westerners rule the natives with an iron hand without caring for justice and fair play.
Friday, November 15, 2019
office ladies Essay -- essays research papers
Ogasawara’s article takes an interesting approach in analyzing the behavior of office ladies. She starts out by saying that women are the ones that are working under the men and that they have to be subordinate. She also talks about how men have more power and room to grow in their careers while the office ladies are stuck in their positions as they are and aren’t expected to try hard and do well since there is no room to be promoted. It seems as if the article is going in the direction of talking about the hardships of office ladies at this point. However, the article takes a sharp turn and starts talking about how the office ladies actually have an advantage. Although they are at the bottom they actually have the most power over what goes on at the top. An office lady can choose to do the work for a manager if she likes him or decide that she is too busy that day and skip her assignment. This will affect the male’s performance since his work may not get done o n time. It is for this reason that the male managers pamper the office ladies and try to stay popular with them. They even have certain holidays such as Valentine’s day that test the popularity of the managers by the amount of gifts that they receive. The manager’s whole career depends on how well he manages his employees so he tends to try very hard to get as many gifts as he can from the office ladies. The manager makes sure that he is liked. The end of the article talks about how this whole system is degrading to w... office ladies Essay -- essays research papers Ogasawara’s article takes an interesting approach in analyzing the behavior of office ladies. She starts out by saying that women are the ones that are working under the men and that they have to be subordinate. She also talks about how men have more power and room to grow in their careers while the office ladies are stuck in their positions as they are and aren’t expected to try hard and do well since there is no room to be promoted. It seems as if the article is going in the direction of talking about the hardships of office ladies at this point. However, the article takes a sharp turn and starts talking about how the office ladies actually have an advantage. Although they are at the bottom they actually have the most power over what goes on at the top. An office lady can choose to do the work for a manager if she likes him or decide that she is too busy that day and skip her assignment. This will affect the male’s performance since his work may not get done o n time. It is for this reason that the male managers pamper the office ladies and try to stay popular with them. They even have certain holidays such as Valentine’s day that test the popularity of the managers by the amount of gifts that they receive. The manager’s whole career depends on how well he manages his employees so he tends to try very hard to get as many gifts as he can from the office ladies. The manager makes sure that he is liked. The end of the article talks about how this whole system is degrading to w...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Free Trade and Fair Trade
Free Trade and Fair Trade All over work places and school campuses around the world you can be sure to find cocoa, coffee and certain other products that are labeled â€Å"free trade,†but is fair trade the same as free trade? â€Å"Free†and â€Å"fair†are powerful, often abused words when applied to the concept of trade. I will attempt to clarify the differences between free and fair trade, show how they may overlap, and the beneficial in each system. Deliberate trade benefits both the buyer and the seller. The benefits in excess of costs are the gains from trade.An efficient society maximizes the gains from trade by wisely using human, natural and capital resources. Political processes redistribute these gains to promote or reduce equity. Free trade means that anyone can trade with anyone else. Property rights are typically maintained, but government intervention in markets are minimal at best, (Wetzel). The fairness of this trade depends on the amount of com petition between buyers and sellers. For example, products price rises when there are few sellers and many buyers. In this case, sellers gained because they have â€Å"market power†.With few buyers and many sellers, the price falls; buyers use their market power to gain. Fair Trade is about more than just paying a fair wage. It means that trading partnerships are based on equal benefits and mutual respect; that prices paid to producers reflect the work they do; that workers have the right to organize; that national health, safety, and wage laws are enforced; and that products are environmentally sustainable and conserve natural resources, (Codey). When trade is freed, competition increases, market power falls and gains distributed more evenly. Numerous buyers and sellers in the farmer’s market reduce bargaining power.Seller competition pushes price down; buyer competition holds them up. Free trade can be fair trade, but agreements that open some markets to powerful pro ducer where they can use their market power, while keeping others closed and uncompetitive, are neither free nor fair. Free trade and fair trade can provide important benefits to participants. Free trade is benefit by all those involved, especially the large multination corporations. It helps nations develop the best economic policies for their citizens. Companies willing to meet consumer demand for several items will look for the cheapest resources or goods to increase supply.Nations engaging in free trade allow companies to import resources or goods from international countries with no government restrictions or tariffs. Governments placing restrictions or tariffs on imported goods often increase a cost of doing business in the domestic economic market, (Mathews 2009). Free trade can help nations improve job opportunities in the economic market. Meanwhile, fair trade provides favorable economic opportunity for those smallholder farming families able to join producer organizations and provide products of the right specifications for the market.Fair trade improves health, education, and agricultural development in the community. Finally, free and fair trade is somehow important to participants that are involved. However clarifying the different between free and fair trade, show how they may overlap, and the beneficial in each system is the main context of this essay. Codey, Scott & Embry, Mary. â€Å" Fair Trade Resource Network. †Education and Discussion to Mark Trade Fair. 1999. 05 Oct. 2012 Mathews, Tony. â€Å"Enhancing the Global Linkages of Cooperatives: The Fair Trade Option. †2009. 05 Oct. 2012. Wetzel, Doug. â€Å"Fair V. S. Free Trade. †1999-2012. 05 Oct 2012.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
How Barbaric were the Barbarians Really? Essay
The books have claimed the Mongols to be barbaric, but how barbaric were they? The barbarians have earned the title barbaric. The barbarians were people who didn’t belong to a certain culture or group of people, and pretty much did what they pleased. The Mongols were barbaric with their laws, punishments, and the amount of battles and deaths caused in their presence. The barbarians were barbaric in many different ways. The Mongol Empire was bigger than the continental U.S., being 4,860,000 square miles of conquered land (Doc 1). The Mongol Empire was more that three times bigger that the amount of land Adolf Hitler conquered during his time (Doc 1). With the empire being this big, there would need to be laws. There were laws on hospitality, adultery, drinking, and marriage. With these laws came punishments. For example, if you committed adultery, you would be executed, even if there were no earlier convictions (Doc 10). There were also laws made by Genghis Khan that were enfor ced during battle situations. If you were a soldier and you got scared and ran away from battle, if you were found, the rest of your group of 10, including you, would be executed. If your whole group of 10 flees, the group of a hundred you were in would all be executed along with you. You were expected to stay with your group throughout battle, or your consequence would be death (Doc 2). In battle, if you were a prisoner or war, that was not desired to be a slave, or were an artisan, the law was to put you to death with the axe (Doc 3). The number of deaths caused by the barbarians, is not countable. Many people were killed and or captured by the Mongols. Along with the people, their towns were also demolished. Through the years 1220-1258, there were 5,107,000 plus deaths alone (Doc 4). In 1221 in Nishapur, Persia, there were 1,747,000 deaths according to a Persian chronicler (Doc 4). The Mongols tore the city apart and in the process, â€Å"severed the heads of the slain from their bodies and heaped them up in piles†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Doc 4). There weren’t many options for punishments, not that the people got to choose their punishment, and people who were punished were probably a big part of the number of deaths caused the barbarians. Punishment and death wa s very common in the Mongol Empire. The Mongol leaders might have this punishment to make clear that they are in charge and to intimidate others. There was always a punishment for rule breaking. Most often, the punishment was death. There were different ways of killing people, or to sound nicer, putting them into a deep sleep in the Mongol Empire. In the Empire there were different forms of being killed, or put to death. You could just be executed, you could have you head chopped off, you could be shot multiple times with arrows, you could even be buried alive upside down (Doc 5,4,3,2). Killing was very common with these peoples. The Mongols overall were very violent. They could be organized at times, but they were more barbaric by following the rules that were organized by the emperor. The Mongols conquered many lands, but killed and lost others they knew in the process. The laws were partially barbaric because of the different parts involved in them. If you committed a crime, there wasn’t anyone to help you get out of your punishment. The most barbaric thing is that mostly everything resulted in death. If you committed a horrible crime, such as adultery, the way you are killed might be worse, but if you got drunk more that three times a month, you could possibly be put to death (Doc 10). The barbarians were a barbaric people. As you can tell, they did what the pleased. The laws made by Genghis Khan that were used for battle situations were barbaric because if one person or a small group of soldiers left because they were scared, everyone else and them included, were killed (Doc 2). There was pretty much only one punishment in the whole Mongol Empire, and that was death. This punishment is barbaric for the people who didn’t commit huge and serious crimes. Death was a big part in the success of the Mongol Empire. If they, the barbarians, hadn’t killed the people from the cities they captured, there could have been revolts against the Mongols. The Mongols were barbaric because of many things, but mostly for the amount of death they caused. The Mongol Empire set the example for the other empires to follow. Again I ask, how barbaric were the barbarians really? The Mongols were barbaric enough for them to be called barbarians and with the number of deaths cau sed by them, it would be safe to say that the barbarians were pretty barbaric.
Friday, November 8, 2019
5 Faulty Not Only . . . But Also Sentences
5 Faulty Not Only . . . But Also Sentences 5 Faulty Not Only . . . But Also Sentences 5 Faulty Not Only . . . But Also Sentences By Mark Nichol Often, when a sentence expresses a point and a counterpoint with the phrases â€Å"not only†and â€Å"but also,†writers have difficulty constructing the sentence in the correct syntactical order. Each of the following sentences demonstrates various erroneous ways the â€Å"not only . . . but also†construction can be misused; discussions, followed by revisions, explain how to repair the damage. 1. Moving to the cloud had not only improved security but had also reduced the risks they faced prior to implementation. Had can be shared by both the â€Å"not only†phrase and the â€Å"but also†phrase: â€Å"Moving to the cloud had not only improved security but also reduced the risks they faced prior to implementation.†(If had is to be used twice, it should follow â€Å"not only†and, when repeated, should follow â€Å"but also†: â€Å"Moving to the cloud not only had improved security but also had reduced the risks they faced prior to implementation.†) 2. They were all spending Monday night in New Hampshire- not only to get a jump on the impending storm but also on their competitors. This sentence is incomplete; because â€Å"not only†precedes â€Å"to get a jump,†that phrase needs to be repeated after â€Å"but also.†Or, more simply, place the noun phrase before â€Å"not only†so it can be shared with â€Å"but also†: â€Å"They were all spending Monday night in New Hampshire- to get a jump not only on the impending storm but also on their competitors.†3. The Broncos had not only lost the game, but they also lost their starting quarterback. Because lost refers to both the game and the starting quarterback, that verb should precede both â€Å"not only†and â€Å"but also,†which obviates the need for the pronoun they: â€Å"The Broncos had lost not only the game but also their starting quarterback.†4. The bill authorizes private entities to not only monitor their own networks for cybersecurity threats but also to share threat information with other private entities and the federal government. The infinitive to precedes â€Å"not only,†so it applies to â€Å"but also†as well and does not need to be repeated after that phrase: â€Å"The bill authorizes private entities to not only monitor their own networks for cybersecurity threats but also share threat information with other private entities and the federal government.†5. The Rockets had not only reshaped their own fortune but, as it turned out, that of the entire NBA. Because reshaped refers to both the team’s fortune and that of the entire league, it must precede both the point phrase and the counterpoint phrase: â€Å"The Rockets had reshaped not only their own fortune but also, as it turned out, that of the entire NBA.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"Probable vs. PossibleIs "Number" Singular or Plural?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Introducing Integers and Rational Numbers to Students with Disabilities
Introducing Integers and Rational Numbers to Students with Disabilities Positive (or natural) and negative numbers can confuse students with disabilities. Special education students face special challenges when confronted with math after 5th grade. They need to have an intellectual foundation built using manipulatives and visuals in order to be prepared to do operations with negative numbers or apply algebraic understanding of integers to algebraic equations. Meeting these challenges will make the difference for children who might have the potential to attend college. Integers are whole numbers but can be whole numbers both greater than or less than zero. Integers are easiest to understand with a number line. Whole numbers that are greater than zero are called natural, or positive numbers. They increase as they move to the right away from the zero. Negative numbers are below or to the right of the zero. Number names grow bigger (with a minus for negative in front of them) as they move away from the zero to the right. Numbers growing larger, move to the left. Numbers growing smaller (as in subtraction) move to the right. Common Core Standards for Integers and Rational Numbers Grade 6, the Numbers System (NS6)Students will apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers. NS6.5. Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level, credits/debits, positive/negative electric charge); use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation.NS6.6. Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.NS6.6.a. Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself, e.g., (-3) 3, and that 0 is its own opposite.NS6.6.b. Understand signs of numbers in ordered pairs as indicating locations in quadrants of the coordinate plane; recognize that when two ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of the points are related by reflections across one or both axes. NS6.6.c. Find and position integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram; find and position pairs of integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane. Understanding Direction and Natural (positive) and Negative Numbers. We emphasize the use of the number line rather than counters or fingers when students are learning operations so that practice with the number line will make understanding natural and negative numbers much easier. Counters and fingers are fine to establish one to one correspondence but will become crutches rather than supports for higher level math. The pdf number line is for positive and negative integers. Run the end of the number line with positive numbers on one color, and the negative numbers on another. After students have cut them out and glued them together, have them laminated. You can use an overhead projector or write on the line with markers (though they often stain the laminate) to model problems like 5 - 11 -6 on the number line. I also have a pointer made with a glove and a dowel and a larger laminated number line on the board, and I call one student to the board to demonstrate the numbers and jumps. Provide lots of practice. You Integer Number Line should be part of your daily warm up until you really feel that students have mastered the skill. Understanding the Applications of Negative Integers. Common Core Standard NS6.5 offers some great examples for applications of negative numbers: Below sea level, debt, debits and credits, temperatures below zero and positive and negative charges can help students understand the application of negative numbers. The positive and negative poles on magnets will help students understand the relationships: how a positive plus a negative moves to the right, how two negatives make a positive. Assign students in groups the task of making a visual chart to illustrate the point being made: perhaps for altitude, a cross cut showing Death Valley or the Dead Sea next and its surroundings, or a thermostat with pictures to show whether people are hot or cold above or below zero. Coordinates on an XY Graph Students with disabilities need lots of concrete instruction on locating coordinates on a chart. Introducing ordered pairs (x,y) i.e. (4, -3) and locating them on a chart is a great activity to do with a smart board and a digital projector. If you dont have access to a digital projector or EMO, you might just create a xy coordinates chart on a transparency and have students locate the dots.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Chapter 9 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chapter 9 assignment - Essay Example er Quebec Civil Law, in case of illegal contracts, the court must order restitution between parties and that illegal clause in the contract may be deleted and the remainder of the contract upheld in appropriate cases. However, a court may refuse restitution in favour of a party who has acted fraudulently, immorally or by deliberately breaching the law. Anent the protection granted to the true owner of a property subject of an illegal contract, the Civil Code of Quebec has already contained provisions regarding this matter. Under US Law on the other hand, illegal contract is a promise that is prohibited due to its very nature. Such contracts are prohibited since the performance, formation, or object of the agreement is against the law ("Illegal Contract Law, n.d). Despite the definition of the defective and illegal contracts, it does not automatically render the contract as null and void, unenforceable or ineffective, if the formation or performance or existence did not comply with what is required by the enactment unless the result is required by the enactment or to further the purpose of the enactment. Anent the protection granted to the owner of a property, the US law the concern is where the property is purported to be transferred under an illegal contract and the property is then the subject of a further transfer to a person who is not a party to the contract. The court may grant only the relief if there is question as to title of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Polanski & Spielberg Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Polanski & Spielberg - Term Paper Example The directors made films that hit the public both emotionally and dramatically. Their work was loved by all due to their sense of portraying the war and the post events of the war. The Pianist was released in 2002 written by Ronald Harwood and starred by Adrien Brody. The film is a biographical account of a pianist who is a Polish Jew. While the story truly depicts the hardships faced by the Jewish people in the World War II, it keenly takes in account the life of Szpielman being torn apart, his family being taken away from him, and his existence being vanished. Saving Private Ryan is an American film released in 1998. It is a war film based on the invasion of the Normandy in the World War II. The story is written by Robert Rodat who was inspired by the monument he saw which was built for the eight siblings killed in the American civil war. Thus, he wrote a narrative of the siblings in the World War II who had fought against the Germans. The film had received much of the praise from the audience as well has the critics, and won many awards too. These films have been a clear picture of what the World War II brought for the people and how cleanly the directors have pictured it. Comparison of the two films: Both the films have many similarities in their plots and their use of graphics. Since both the films are based on wars, they are more towards the horror aspect. They give the viewers a look of horror, suspense and thriller. The actors in both the films have done an outstanding job, the stories are strong and the use of graphics and screenplay makes the most out of the films. The difference in the films are the ways the directors have created the directed and the stories and how they have taken the stories along to reach the audience and to win their attention. Despite having the same theme, the directors have managed to give a wave of emotions in a different way that the audience of each movie would have felt something different after watching the movie. In the critical aspect, both the films have been immensely appreciated and praised by the critics and the audience and have successfully won the hearts of many. Both the works have been written in a war scene and they show the stories plotted on the World War II and the lives affected at that time. The films are known for their graphics and their depiction of the war scenes. Thus, the scenes of the war which are in most of the two movies can be compared and contrasted with each other. Both movies do not just show some scenes, in fact the whole movie of around two hours is based on a war scenario with different features of the war. There is a clear scene of the war in Saving Private Ryan where the Captain is looking for Ryan and enters the zone of war with his group. While he is searching for Ryan, and even after finding him, they face many of the troubles of the war together. In The Pianist, the scenes are also in the zone of war and show the struggles of the pianist during the war time. In this film, the main focus is made on the pianist with however, lesser scenes of the war than in Saving Private Ryan, but the scenes of the war have been presented pretty well. In the second aspect when we look at both of the films, we can see that not only do they show the similarities in the scenes of war, but they also show a plot on which the emotional lives
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