Thursday, December 26, 2019
Emergency Department Models of Care - 16791 Words
Emergency Department Models of Care July 2012 NSW MINISTRY OF HEALTH 73 Miller Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 Tel. (02) 9391 9000 Fax. (02) 9391 9101 TTY. (02) 9391 9900 This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. It may not be reproduced for commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires written permission from the NSW Ministry of Health.  © NSW Ministry of Health 2012 SHPN (HSPI) 120204 Further copies of this document can be downloaded from the NSW Health website or Emergency Care Institute NSW website August 2012†¦show more content†¦Created to support this document is a self-assessment tool for each Emergency Model of Care. The purpose of the tool is to allow Local Health Districts to assess if a MOC is appropriate for their ED or if an implemented MOC is functioning to its utmost potential. The tool is intended to be used at an ED level in a collaborative approach with all key stakeholders. The Self-Assessment tool rates the effectiveness of each model. Results of the self-assessment are then linked to responses based on the key principles described for each MOC. A robust evaluation of each model can be used to generate an action plan for an ED to improve the functioning of current Models of Care being used, or to consider the implementation of new models. Assess the current Models of Care in their Emergency Departments using the given criteria It is recognised that not all of the Models of Emergency Care are applicable for all NSW Emergency Departments. Decisions to implement them will be made based on the staff, patient presentations and space available in the ED to operate each model. Assess the potential to introduce models to their hospitals that may improve patient care and flow, the patient experience and clinical outcomes ââ€" PAGE 2 NSW HEALTH Models of Emergency Care The demands placed on Emergency Departments are obvious, as are the needs for theShow MoreRelatedSample Resume : Nursing Theory1337 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: NURSING THEORY IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTEMENT​1 Nursing Theory in the Emergency Department Paris Draine Olivet Nazarene University Theoretical and Professional Foundations of Nursing MSN NRSG 653 Dr.Russell 3/13/2015 Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Learning Disability At A Young Age - 976 Words
A learning disable is a term used to describe a disorder that can affect how a person s learns. There are many different disabilities and levels, severity and they all affect people in different ways. These most commonly causes problems with math known as dyscalculia, one of the most common reading disabilities is dyslexia, and problems with writing which is known as dysgraphia. It is very important to remember that having a disability does not mean a person is less capable, it just means that a person learns and adapts in a different way than those without disabilities. Many famous people throughout history have had a learning disability some of the most famous of them are Ann Bancroft, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Mozart who was thought to have had dyslexia. In recent years, identifying a learning disability at a young age has become faster and simpler, allowing them to receive accommodations and other help so they can succeed. People have also gained a better understanding of what these disabilities can cause and how they can affect the people who are diagnosed. The road is often rough, but just look at the people listed above, many of them achieved great things in their lives. A learning disability can affect many areas of a person’s life. Today there are many ways to help diagnose a learning disability in the public school system and most of these use a combination of Formal Evaluations and Response to Intervention to locate a student who might needShow MoreRelatedDemographic Structure Includes Name, Age, Sex And Ethnicity1071 Words  | 5 PagesDemographic structure includes name,age,sex and ethnicity. Learning Difficulties refers to a condition where people require additional support with learning. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Drivers Relationship Outsourcing In China -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Drivers Relationship Outsourcing In China? Answer: Introduction Outsourcing is one of the significant facets of modern hotel management process. The term was introduced in the mid-80s and till then business is very much relying on that facts. During the 1900s, the outsourcing is concentrating on labor-intensive production tasks. All the business activities and labor engagement in different sectors in business have started from that time. Hotels are the prime allocation of outsourcing employees and that is the reason, hotels are outsourced most of the employees from different sections and they are not at all the permanent members of the hotel (Sani, Dezdar Ainin, 2013). The private outsource is considerably risky enough as the people are not fully aware of the companys aims and objectives, so there is a high chance of violation of service quality or behavior with the customers and their managing any complex situation. This is a direct application that involves human outsourced case and sometimes proper training is not given so they are not liable for any of the diverse situation. In this paper, the entire concern factors are the service standard of hotel and their impact on outsourcing. The paper also provides some theories that support all the possible impacts created by outsourcing cases. This is an important aspect in the modern business arena, as all business companies use outsourced staffs for their business development and enhancement, but in this process, they face some challenges as well (Cai Fan, 2017). This is the major theoretical framework provided in this paper so that outsourcing will be proper and legitimate in all the cases and that has made an additional dimension in business development. In this business method section, variables are segmented and outsourcing is considered as independent variable and service quality is considered as a dependent variable. All the related theories are discussed in this paper. The paper also takes a concerned look at the relationship between these two variables and application of these relationships in the hotel industry. Identification of Problem The major identified problem is the adaptation of outsourcing for hotel and improves the performance by efficient service standard. The major argument is based on that factor only and some of the socio-economic relations of reducing cost and the relation of employment rate are also identified in this paper. Critical Understanding of Outsourced staffs and its theories The concept of outsourcing is the non-core business function that enables the opportunity for business to extend their market by engaging more people in their organization. There are many departments in the hotel and all these sections have different kinds of works so they have to train those outsource employees so that they deliver their best on the floor and manage customer handling process in an effective way. The efficiency of technology and use of manpower in an effective way also address the importance of outsourcing in business. In case of front office department, allocation of rooms, accommodation facilities most of the hotels are using this outsourcing facility. As stated by Agyemang-Duah et al., (2014), this process helps in cost-effectiveness as the hotel management need not involve an employee if any origination does this responsibility for this particular work. The major problem is the performing the task well and performs in an ethical way that suits hotels culture. In case of understanding the outsourcing, theories of outsourcing are important and these activities manage the relationship between customers and hotels. Their service quality, communication, technological understanding, easy way to treat customer and improved facilities for customers are the concern factors for hotels and if outsourced employees are capable enough to formulate the process then hotel industry will enhance the countrys development. The transaction Cost Economic theory is the first aspect that related to transactional economics and organization decides whether they need this outsourcing or not. The reason behind the theory is the cost maintenance in the organization. In that case, employees cost curtails a bit and these amounts of money invested in another sector. As mentioned by Duah et al., (2014), outsourcing in the hotel industry is a departmental strategy to involve more people in this industry. If highly skilled persons are involved in the process, the customers retention process will be smoother and easier for the hotel; this is another reason behind this theory. Cost diverse management and discrete between professional levels is the key understanding that hotel management has done with the employees outsourced by them (See appendix 3). Multi-skilling and training and development theory is another theory that related to the outsourced employees. The case of multi-skilling is quite clear in above discussion as the people are from a different background so they have the diverse skill, in that case, the adopting them as an employee is significant for the improvement of the organization (Elnaga Imran, 2013). On the other hand, the speculated work is not achievable for the same persons as they dont have knowledge and understanding of the work culture. The basic knowledge and organization ethics need to train so that they feel accustomed to the company. Human Resource theory and Organizational performance theory are two major theories impacted on those performances of outsourced staffs. As asserted by Lu et al., (2015), the prime role of HRM system is to make a possible selection and recruit better employees to enhance the market position of the company. New employees need to take training to build up their knowledge over the subject. On the other hand, if they take experience people as outsourced employees then training cost and production rate are not hampered. The company focuses on the production and the production came from those outsourced employees and that is the key job role of HRM to select them in an efficient way and involve the development of the company. Core Competency theory is based on the evolution of resources and productive skills of organization. It is defined as combining productive skills of different methods and technologies that maintain the relationship between management and customers. As mentioned by Leeman Reynolds, (2012), the theory is very much relevant in modern perspective as both the phases improve business operation may get a threat due to improper IT services. On that other hand, system integration of IT needs to be transplanted in an effective way so that improve in technological aspect will be noticed (See appendix 4). Critical Understanding of Service standard quality and its theories The core idea of total quality management is the basic criteria of customers and provides a total control that influences numerous academics and practitioners to control the situation for customers. In a hospitality industry, customer satisfaction and maintain the ethics of the hotel is the most important thing to sustain their business. According to Sukru et al., (2014), customer retention is depending on that prospect and it requires empowered employees to formulate the action. Inspiring leadership and commitment to serve customers in an effective way is the main concern for a hotel. In that case, theories are also important to understand the situation and state the productive approach for the relevant service standard quality in outsourcing. Servqual theory is a multi-item scale development that evaluates the service quality in business and understands customers priority and perception to using any kind of service related case. There are five constructs in this theory and all these phases have stated the level of satisfaction and provide a cognitive approach in customer satisfaction case. As mentioned by Johansson Carlson, (2015), tangibles are considered as the first step where staff appearances and their attitudes towards the customers is the concern reason. The next step is the reliability and the phase service dependability and accuracy has been judged. The next stage is responsiveness and it signifies the willingness to help or respond to the customers urge as their retention and priorities them in the hotel is the concern factor for the organization. Assurance phase influences the confidence that employees should own with them so that they can take challenges and have faith to do this task in an efficient way. Tru st and confidence is the concern factor of this phase and that reflected through the outcomes. Empathy is the individualized service that provides right direction to formulate the process and through this model satisfaction level and importance can be understood (See appendix 5). Assimilation theory is a post usage evaluation of satisfaction. Customers avoid adjusting to any situation and they expect a quality accommodation, technology, and other amenities from the hotel. The level of satisfaction has got thereat when any of the desired understanding is not meeting customer satisfaction line. As highlighted by Jaehrling Mhaut, (2012), service performance is depending on the employees and their training and development process but in case of outsourcing, most of the people are new and inexperienced in that particular field so their inefficiency may spoil the satisfaction level. Through this theory, a controlled performance and better customer experience can evaluate. Contrast theory is another diverse opinion that comes from the evaluated sections and magnifying two different attitudes of customers and employees. The surprise effect also gets from this theory and that somehow connected with the performances and diverse opinion. In most of the cases, customers experience is not so effective and that showcase in their attitudes, in those case employees, need to settle them for any adverse situation and prepare them for any undeserved challenges (De Vita Tekaya, 2015). If they tackle the situation swiftly, then customers will come back just because of their patience and attitudes towards them. The main attraction of contract theory is lying here (See appendix 6). Negativity theory is another suggested theory that determines any kind of performance discrepancy and produces negative energy that will disrupt any individual. The theory is a foundation of disconfirmation process and response negatively about the perceived performances (Espino-Rodrguez Lai, 2014). Less performance is expected in that scenario and according to this satisfaction level customers decide that whether they continue their relationship with the hotel or not. Relationship between the theories and their interconnected relationship Luxury hotels outsource different auxiliary services in order to upscale their range of services for their customers. High labor intensity, volatile demand graph, complex services and the establishment of services is the main aspect of outsourcing. Hotels need to implement that factor for prioritizing their service standard and quality (Aubert et al., 2012). Managing all the sections of the hotel is not an easy job so the management has to put different people in different sectors. However, if a group of people forms another company can help that particular sector and make an easy run for hotel management then other core activities can be done by the management. In case of transaction cost effective theory, the cost of an employee can be saved if the outsourcing is implemented in a proper way. Another company can do the same job for the parental company and due to that reason the management is quite relaxed and operates the thing in assimilation theory of customer satisfaction. As mentioned by Thrassou, Vrontis Bresciani, (2014), service standard improvement depends on lots of factors like improvement of customer care facility, online and offline accommodation process in the hotel, rooms specification, on-demand foods and drinks, money transfer process and use of mobile wallet. All these processes are under the Servqual theory of customer satisfaction as the particular thing is leveling up the rise of business standard. In many cases controlling over the outsourced employees are not in hand of the hotel authority as they have been appointed from different sources (Brewer, Wallin Ashenbaum, 2014). This is a problematic situation risen up as the status and objectivity of the hotel may get a threat due to that reason. Negativity theory is imposed over the hotel and this a forced work as the management is not directly liable for this behavior, but as their associated business employees are doing the same, customers have a negative relationship with the hotel (Chu Wang, 2012). From the core competency, this is quite clear that outsourcing is an application that uses by most of the hotels for their sustainable condition in the market. To maintain the business expand situation this is quite important to stretch the bar. However, the problem is lying on the contrast theory and its application over customers. According to Tjader et al., (2014), in case of core competency, the level of competition is high as the management has to think about the services and then deliver the suitable way to their customers. Sometimes services are delivered through the outsourced employees. The contrast obligation has come in that mode (Handley Benton Jr, 2012). There are some situations where their behavior is not so soothing for customers and they will not use the hotel service that may be the reason of contrast and concern for the management. Relationship between both the variables and application in hotel environment There is a distinct relationship between both these variables and they are basically inert-related with each other. In case of the hotel environment, their enhancement in business and serve all kind of people is an important thing to be considered. For the extended nature, business allocation needs to be segmented and that is the prime reason behind labor outsourcing. As mentioned by Gerbl et al., (2015), these outsource labors are not understood the mannerism followed by the hotels existing employees or the kind of comfort or service that delivers to the customer are not known to them. So, there is a chance of mishap. To avoid these sorts of situation, the major perspective that hotel delivers to these outsourced employees is trailing of 7 to 15 days (Bogicevic et al., 2013). Those employees need to be understood the entire scenario at this time. Sometimes there are rush situations and in that situation, training is not provided to those employees (Sharma, 2012). These are the high time of problem situation. The relationship also underlines the fact that hotels improvement and commitment to their customers to serve the best quality and make a market position for the hotel (See appendix 1). The relationship also takes a perfect overview of risks related to outsourcing and healing manner of those risks. Risk will always be there and those risks are just because of those employees behavior and understanding and how they take challenges and mitigate them (Zhao et al., 2012). Customer satisfaction and focus on the recommended activities is the concern matter for hotels. Some of the sectors need to be allocated for outsourcing only like room booking, advance payment facility, extended customer service facility and complaint sectors (Milton Johnson, 2012). In those sectors, manpower is a concerning issue, in such cases hotel cannot afford the amount of employee for this operation. So in those sectors hotel management take help from other companies. Contrast in manpower and develop their understanding to raise the productivity is the prime concern of hotel. They have external competition as well, so the staffs are needed to be capable enough to manage the situation and the same thing is expected from the customers as well (Chen et al., 2012). The flexibility of hotel working condition and 24*7 service facilities can only provide through the outsourcing. So this is not a wastage of money rather involvement of some specified people and market specification has been studied by those outsourced staffs. As stated by Xiang et al., (2015), The process is a cost saving too as they hotel organization has not spared a single penny for room allocation staffs, online cash maintaining, audit staff and customer care executives. As the associate company has taken this responsibility, they do these tasks single-handedly and expect a minimum amount of money from the hotel. The management is happy quite enough as lots of tasks pressure mitigate d ue to them. Occupation and employment chances also increase due to that reason of outsourcing. Many people get their job through this process having a different education quality (Saccani, Visintin Rapaccini, 2014). So an assimilation of diverse culture and education is there and all maintain the line of decency for customers. As the management is the only answerable section if any mishap situation comes from the organization, so employees need to attain customer in a suitable way and deliver quality service to them. Conclusion Therefore, the paper can be concluded that outsourcing is a non-core function of the hotel industry and it is quite effective and essential for making a successful completion of the hotel and deliver a beneficial experience for hotels as well. It seems practical for the hotel sector to think about outsourcing non-core purposes tactically, empathetic the condition in which they control and take a careful attitude to the future. The outsourcing of non-core purposes means electing from prevailing listless internal organizational procedures in the indulgence of latest tactics. Service standard only evolved through the quality amalgamation of association business and deliver them proper training and understand their mindsets of work is also important in that segment. Outsourcing control, right management approach, viable strategy, controlling cost and budget for industry evolves the major aspect of the outsourced process and customer satisfaction. The literature review also highlights all the possible theories and their impacts on hotel environment. Theories of outsourcing are important to make a relevant connection with theories of hotels service standards. The standard in such case extracted from the feedbacks of customers and somehow that eternally relates to the market positioning of the hotel. It is important for the hotel to earn a feedback from customers or make a survey within the hotel to know the possible sector that needs to be improved. The survey can be digital or can be physical also but it basically determines the negative incidents and positives experiences of customers. If management knows every positive then they may sharpen those aspects and change the total infrastructure to mitigate negative aspects also. Outsourcing provides lots of technical support to hotels and provides a better customers service that may not be possible if outsourced people are not allocated for the work. 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Monday, December 2, 2019
The Mind-Brain Problem Concerning Dualism And Materialism Essays
The Mind-Brain Problem Concerning Dualism And Materialism The Mind-Brain Problem Concerning Dualism and Materialism I am faced with the philosophical task of defending either dualism or materialism, depending on which one is most attractive to me. So either I support the theory of dualism, which is the belief that there is both a physical and a spiritual state, or I believe in materialism, which is the belief that everything that exists is material or physical. Although I believe materialism to be easier to prove, I find dualism more attractive to believe. Throughout the following, I will attempt to build a case for the theory of dualism giving insights both documented and personal. I will also shed light on the theory of materialism and the proofs that support this theory; showing that although materialism has a strong argument, essentially, it the less attractive of the two. What I find most appealing about dualism is the belief in the soul and body, spirit and matter. Although materialism is a valid theory scientifically and philosophically, I find dualism to cover a wider spectrum of possibilities. I do not believe that our body and our thoughts and everything that surrounds us are a result of the physical. Materialism removes any problems of relatedness between mind and body by eliminating the spiritual altogether. But as I will show, materialism might have the upper hand in proof but it cannot fulfill or support my need for the spiritual like dualism can. Dualism supports the possibility that when a person dies, their body might die but their soul continues. It allows one to at least consider this notion along with many others of the spiritual realm. The existence of God, miracles, and unexplained phenomena are just a few things dualism supports. I believe it is ignorant of a person to support materialism just because scientifically it makes more sense. So many people believe in some form of religion or God. Then why would it be illogical to find faith in something you cannot see and that cannot be proven, but there is an instinctive feeling that the possibility exists. For me, there is a great possibility for both a physical and spiritual realm and even though I take dualism on blind faith, I take it because my life makes more sense. With dualism, the existence of God seems possible and death does not seem so final, love seems more special and life seems to have more meaning. Materialism suggests to me that our bodies, our thoughts a re a type of mechanical function, whereas dualism gives me a sense of meaning in my life. There are many textbook arguments against materialism: the divisibility argument, the introspection argument, and the argument for measurement: The Divisibility Argument 1. My body, which includes my brain, is divisible. 2. (a) I cannot conceive of my mind as divisible. (b) I cannot conceive of my individual mental states as divisible, either. 3. Therefore, my mind is distinct from any part of my body. The Introspection Argument 1. Mental states are knowable through introspection. 2. Brain states are not knowable through introspection. 3. Therefore, mental sates are not brain states. Argument for Measurement 1. Brain states can be located and measured. 2. Mental states cannot be located and measured. 3. Therefore, by Leibnizs Law brain states are not mental states. All three of these arguments dispute materialisms claim that brain states and mental states go hand in hand. The divisibility argument shows that the brain is divisible but not the mind. The introspection argument shows that the mind is knowable through introspection, whereas the brain is not. The argument for measurement shows that brain states can be located and measured, but mental states cannot be. Materialism also violates Leibnizs Law: If an object or process x is identical with an object or process y, then x and y have all the same properties. That is, if x and y do not have the same properties, then x and y are not identical. So if the brain states are x and the mental states are y and the two are not identical as shown through the previous three arguments, then materialism violates Leibnizs Law. From an objective point of view I can see how someone would believe in materialism, but for me, dualism has
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