Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Great Pyramid Of Khufu History Essay
The Great Pyramid Of Khufu History Essay In the Old Kingdom sometime between the years of 2575 BC and 2134 BC the Egyptians constructed The Great Pyramid. The Pharaoh Khufu ordered the building of a pyramid of greater dimensions than any other pyramid ever constructed. In hope to increase interest in the building of his pyramid Khufu shut down other temples to divert the interest to his site. Khufu chose to build on the Giza plateau on the East side of the Nile River. It is said that Khufu ordered slaves to construct the huge pyramid, but this is incorrect. The pyramid was built by about 5,000 free citizens of Egypt drafted for public work. The men were divided up into gangs of laborers and masons. The laborers consisted of approximately 18 to 20 individuals. The laborers would personalize the blocks of stone in which they moved with their group ¿Ã‚ ½s name. Using stone cut mostly from a quarry right on the Giza plateau the laborers quarried and hauled the massive blocks of stone up the pyramid (Egypt 55). Fine white lime stone was taken from Tura across the Nile River. The granite used for the king ¿Ã‚ ½s burial chamber was quarried from Aswan, 400 miles upriver from Giza (Egypt 58). The blocks of stone weighed as much as 15 tons as the granite stones were the heaviest (Casson 131). The total weight of the pyramid is 6.25 million long tons of stone (Harris 86). The Great Pyramid has a total of about 2,250,000 blocks of stone (Woods 16). This feat is almost unheard of today with the use of new machines and techniques for hauling and moving incredibly heavy objects. The Egyptians used some rather ingenious ways to keep their building project on the perfect side. The crews would dig connected trenches around the building site and fill the trenches with water. After filling the trenches with water they would tie a length of rope at equal height onto two sticks. Thus stretching the rope taunt they could see any unleveled points to fill or level off to keep their base even all-around (Casson 133). The l aborers used log rollers to aid in the moving of the massive blocks of stone. Before tipping the stone onto the rollers the side that is to be faced down on the logs is finished early to ensure a smooth ride (ibid. 131). Seeing how organized the ancient civilization was proving itself to be, historians are not shocked to find that they used a four-way ramp system to haul the blocks of rock to the upper most places of Khufus pyramid. The system used three ramps that formed three squared off spirals to the top, and one ramp that followed the same form down and off the formation (ibid. 134). This gives us four tiers of ramps, a sort of Egyptian highway system of on and off ramps. French architect Henri Chevrier tested the ramp theory with 50 men and a one ton block of limestone set on a track of wet mud from the Nile River. The results showed that one man harnessed to a rope could move the block on a level surface, 1 not all 50 (Egypt 58). After possibly what might have taken the entire twenty-three year reign of Khufu the structure was complete. The entrance lead down around 60 feet. The next obstacle to be faced is three stone sealing plugs that slid in front of the entrance to prevent grave robbers from entering. The sealing blocks kept robbers out for about 400 years till finally they got through and stole the contents of the pyramid (Casson 136). Then advancing upward to a second burial chamber that was left incomplete, this chamber is commonly misnamed the Queens Chamber. Then we fall upon a 153 foot long 28 foot high tunnel called The Grand Gallery. The Grand Gallery is noted for its ceiling made with tiers and braces (ibid. 136). After traveling through The Grand Gallery we find ourselves in the actual burial chamber of Khufu. The sarcophagus still stands at the west end of the chamber; of course it has been empty for some time now. This chamber was actually the third placement designated by Khufu. Each time hi s aspirations grew he wanted the pyramid bigger, and his tomb higher. The burial chamber was designed with six stress relieving roofs made of granite to support the tons of block over head (ibid.136). This monument of Egyptian architecture and technique covers a land mass of 13.1 acres. At the top of the once gold capstone the pyramid stands 482 feet high, now it is 31 feet shorter due to other projects taking stone from the handy source. The sides at the base are an astounding 756 feet long. (Egypt 53). I want to share with you the strange tales and theories about the Egyptians being able to see the future. One theory is from the Scottish astronomer Charles Piazzi Smyth. Smyth believed that the pyramid reflected measures of time and distance that could have then been only from a divine source. The pyramid showed the distance of the sun to the earth when its height in inches is multiplied by 10 to the 9th power. Smyth also said that the perimeter of the pyramid equaled 1000 times 365.2, the number of days in a solar year. Unfortunately Smyths measurements were proven wrong by British archaeologist Flinders Petrie (Egypt 55). Even thought the construction of the pyramid still has its doubts and theories, we find that the Egyptians used such great accuracy in their techniques that some spots in the pyramid have gaps only about .0001 inch (.0003 cm) wide (woods 23). This is about large enough to squeeze a postcard through. This brings us to the outside surroundings of the Great Pyramid. There are two other major pyramids at the Giza site. The second biggest is the pyramid of Khafre, and the smallest of the three is the pyramid of Menkaure (Egypt 56). These other pyramids were built after Khufus death. The second largest was built by his son, (Khafre), and his grandson, (Menkaure). In the surroundings of the Great Pyramid the Great Sphinx is found. This 240 foot long and 66 foot high Guardian ordered by King Khafre was carved out of an outcropping left behind at the limestone quarry that supplied the stone for the Great Pyramid (ibid. 60). Perhaps one of the greatest discoveries found around the perimeter of the Great Pyramid is the twin pits that contain funeral boats for Khufu. During a routine clearing of the base of the pyramid in 1954 Egyptian archeologist Kamal el Mallakh uncovered what he at first thought to be a part of the enclosure wall. Then Mallakh noticed that this section was closer than on the other sides. Thinking of a possible find he instructed to dig deeper until a row of 81 huge limestone blocks in separate sets were apparently covering the twin pits. After careful work Mallakh opened a hole in one of the six-foot-thick slabs. Under that slab he saw an oar and realized he had come upon a historical relic, a cedar funeral boat of Khufu. It took about sixteen years to remove the boat from the pit. Not wanting to risk the loss they left the second pit untouched (ibid. 61). Today the boat is on display in a special museum along side of the Great Pyramid of Khufu (ibid. 59). Another great discovery was found around the Great Pyramid by accident. In 1925 a photographer while setting up his tripod to take photos of The Great Pyramid nicked a piece of plaster from a hidden opening cut into the rock. Archaeologists removed stones and revealed a 100 foot shaft that lead down to a tomb. The tomb belonged to Queen Hetepheres, Khufus mother. After a total of three-hundred-twenty-one days of work it became apparent that 4500 years had taken its toll on the tomb. Most objects were already decayed almost to nothing. Using 1701 pages of sketches and 1057 pictures of the site most items were able to be reconstructed (Egypt 54). In front of the pyramid was what is known as the Great Causeway. The Great Causeway led to a rectangular mortuary temple. From this point the coffin was taken to a spot below the tomb entrance and then hauled up 56 feet to the opening of the pyramid (Casson 138). Also next to the pyramid are three satellite pyramids that belonged to the rulers three queens. There were also several fields of mastaba tombs and two temples, all connected by The Great Causeway (Egypt 59). Until recently it was thought that we had little chance of finding all of the missing sections of Khufu ¿Ã‚ ½s pyramid. In 1990 workmen installing sewer lines hit upon a part of the Great Causeway. After this finding the original path of the Causeway was easily mapped. The government of Egypt wants to move the residents of Nazlet el Simman and excavate the site (ibid. 59). The location of the Great Pyramid at Giza has been a popular place throughout time, and time has definitely taken its toll on the Great Pyramid. Unfortunately we have almost no tombs from the old kingdom left with artifacts and treasures from the nobility that once inhabited them. Khufus Great Pyramid is unfortunately one that was made in the old kingdom, hence it was not well preserved and artifacts are rare (Harris 88). Another fear is as man progresses the pollution will cause the rocks on the pyramid to erode at a much more rapid pace. Possible tourism someday will take a toll and start to make the wonderful site deteriorate much more rapidly than it would if we were to just admire from a distance. The pyramids at Giza remain the only of the seven wonders of the ancient world that is still here (ibid. 85). The future holds the truth of what time will do to the Great Pyramid. If it is treated like the sphinx has been we may be in danger of some idiot shooting a cannon at it. If hi story continues on the path it is set on now there is nothing to stop the Egyptians from using the blocks as a handy source for outer building projects. Time has been responsible for the changes in the pyramid: the contents have disappeared, outcroppings have been buried and possibly lost forever, and the environment has taken its toll on the massive structure. In conclusion, The Great Pyramid has open eyes on the techniques and loyalty of the ancient Egyptian empire. The Egyptians have constructed a piece of history that can only sit on a list of seven; the other six are no longer in existence. This makes the pyramid the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world. There will probably never be anything constructed with such raw accuracy and detail without computers and machines. I hope you have enjoyed the information I have given you on: the construction of the Great Pyramid, the surroundings of the Great Pyramid, and the effect of time on the Great Pyramid of Khufu.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Three Facets of the Christian Walk :: Biblical Bible Christian Religious Essays
The Three Facets of the Christian Walk As I begin this essay, I pray that I might be able to "rightly divide the word of truth", so that I need not be ashamed (2 Tim 2:15). This being my goal, I hope that you the reader might learn something from this essay. Remember though, to be as the Christians in Thessalonica, and examine all teachings based on their faithfulness to the scriptures (Acts 17:11). As Christians, we are to go through life in a certain way. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus tells us that the proper path in life is narrow. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. What then is this path? Well, as Christians, we know that the path to Eternal Life is through Jesus. Jesus tells us in John 14:6 that, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. So we know that, as Christians, we have already turned to face the right direction. As all Christians certainly know, though, the story does not end with the Sinner's Prayer. After that day of salvation, we must go to sleep, and then rise again the next morning, again having to face a fallen world. In order to be the "Salt of the World", as we are told we are in Matthew 5:13, we must know how to walk. Certainly one that follows all of the dictates of the scriptures is doing right (all of the dictates, NOT just the rules of action). It is my belief that the Christian walk can be broken down into three inter-related Facets. The first of these facets is Worship. The word "worship" appears in the King James Version of the Bible 108 times. Under the classification of worship, one could include such things as praise, prayer, and thanksgiving. Worship, though, is more than these things. One can worship in all things, because to worship is to give glory to God (1 Peter 4:11). One can give glory to God by having a heart attitude of thanksgiving and praise when walking through a grocery store, through the woods, or down a street.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Jose Rizal Movie Essay
Reaction Paper on the Movie Rizal The movie â€Å"Jose Rizal†is all about our National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal – Hislife and works, his struggles in order to free his countrymen from abuse, until hisdeath under the hands of the Spaniards who occupied our country for a very longtime.Most of the scenes of the film took place during Rizal’s imprisonment atDapitan wherein he meets Taviel, a Spanish officer, who will eventually defendhim on his trial in court. During their meeting, Taviel asks Rizal everything abouthim and his works through various questions. Every answer that Rizal broughtout from his mouth made Taviel realize that Rizal was indeed an innocent man. On the course of their conversation, Rizal talks about the making of hisTwo Novels â€Å"Noli Me Tangere†and its sequel â€Å"El Filibusterismo†which are bothanti Spanish Novels that depicts how the Spaniards rule the Philippines and howthe rights of the Filipinos were abolished. Rizal portrayed himself on the saidNovels – as Crisostomo Ibarra on â€Å"Noli Me Tangere†and as Simeon on â€Å"ElFilibusterismo.†Going through with the movie, while Rizal is telling his story to Taviel, thescene on the movie switches from his life story then to his portrayal on hisNovels. Sometimes the scene gets very difficult to follow because of the suddenswitches during the scenes on the movie most especially during the time that hisfirst novel was on the process of writing. Rizal, a brave and a man of his word, was never afraid whatever theconsequences he may suffer because of his writings that are against the friarsand also to Spaniards. His goal was to free the Philippines from the unjustgovernment of Spanish colony.In summary, the movie talks mostly of Rizal’s life until his death and thecreation of his great novels. The actors and actresses who acted on the moviedid a great job presenting how it was during Rizal’s time even though the saidevents in Rizal’s life were just written in books
Friday, January 3, 2020
Nike Swot Analysis - 1193 Words
Nike.inc SWOT analysis Strengths: y y y y y y y y y y y y y Nike is a globally recognized for being the number one sportswear brand in the World. Nike being a competitive organization has a healthy aver sion towards its competitors i.e. during Atlanta Olympics, Reebok expensed on sponsoring the games; Nike however sponsored the top athletes and due to this step, it gained valuable coverage. Nike has no factories; rather it uses contract factories to get the work done which makes it quite a lean organization. It has contracts with above 700 shops globally in about 45 different countries. Nike is quite strong regarding its research and development; quite evident regarding its evolving and innovative†¦show more content†¦It is mostly argued that in youth culture, Nike is a fashion brand which also creates oppo rtunities for Nike since its products would become outdated before even the product wears out i.e. consumers will feel the need to replace the product with a newer trend. There are many international regions that still need tapping and there is need for sportswear and with Nike s strong global brand recognition, it can initiate in many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods. For example, emerging markets such as China and India have a new richer generation of consumers. There are also global marketing events that can be utilized to support the brand such as the World Cup (soccer) and The Olympics. Nike gives a lot of effort on its corporate marketing mainly through the promotion of corporate brand and sponsorship agreements. Producing sportswear products from manufacturing waste; Extension of eco-friendly projects like Reuse-A-Shoe Program aimed at further recycling; Emphasis on corporate marketing strategy through the promotion of corporate brandShow MoreRelatedNike Swot Analysis1214 Words  | 5 PagesSWOT analysis: Nike Introduction Like most companies, Nike has corporate strengths and weaknesses. However, in the 50 years that Nike has been in business, it has weathered most challenges. From its maverick days as an upstart sports shoe brand being sold out of the back of the trunk of its owners’ cars at track meets, through the 80s and 90s when it lavished multi-million dollar endorsement deals on sports icons. Following is a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) analysis ofRead MoreNike Swot Analysis1382 Words  | 6 PagesSWOT Analysis Nike Strengths. Very good Leadership is one of Nike’s strengths. Nike is a very competitive organization. Founder and Owner, Phil Knight is often quoted as saying that â€Å"Business is war without bullets.†Nike has a healthy dislike of its competitors such as Reebok and Addidas. This competition in the market results in the company to strive to have to best products and on the market. Nike sponsors the top athletes and gains valuable coverage through the media. Nike has no factoriesRead MoreNike Swot Analysis3115 Words  | 13 Pages. Case Profile Nike started out just as plan developed in order to satisfy course work at Stanford University. Mr. Phil Knight a graduate student at Stanford University and a long-distance runner decided that he would make low cost running shoes in Japan and then sell them in the US. Knight solicited the assistance of a past coach Bill Bowerman to assist him in his business venture and in 1964 they started Blue Ribbon Sports. Knight called his first shoe Tiger and began distributionRead MoreNike Swot Analysis4730 Words  | 19 PagesNike: Sweatshops and Business Ethics History What started with a handshake between two running geeks in Oregon in January 1964 are now the world s most competitive sports and Fitness Company. Bill Bowerman the legendary University of Oregon track field coach and Phil Knights a University of Oregon runner under Bowerman coach, found the Nike Company, named by the Greek winged goddess of victory. First the company was named Blue Ribbon Sports. The Nike athletic machine began as a small distributingRead MoreSwot - so Analysis Nike1366 Words  | 6 PagesNike SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Strengths - Nike is one of the main shoemaker in the world. It designs and sells shoes for a big variety of sports including basketball, baseball, golf, soccer, volleyball, tennis, football and running. - Nike is strong at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. Its products go through a rigorous quality control before they go to market. Despite the cost to keep a high-levelRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Nike1819 Words  | 8 PagesNike (NKE) is a well-known clothing, footwear, and sporting equipment company based in the USA. The company develops a variety of products for a wide range of sporting activities which includes soccer, football, tennis and basketball among many others. Nike’s involvement in sports is so well executed that it is difficult to turn on a sports channel and not see some type of Nike logo. Aside from its merchandise, the company also drives revenue growth through licensing agreements. Nike is alsoRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Nike1118 Words  | 5 PagesNike has under its portfolio, Nike Brand, Jordan Brand, Hurley and Converse. Nike allows customers to purchase its products and offerings from retail accounts throughout the world, retail stores, internet stores, through a mix of independent distributors and licensees across the world. NIKETOWNs are the largest stores among Nike. NIKETOWNs are premium stores that provide the consumer with the best brand experience. Each NIKETOWN storefront features at least six to seven Nike brand categories. ThisRead MoreSwot Analysis : Nike s Shoes1339 Words  | 6 PagesSWOT Analysis: The altered shoes have different qualities, shortcomings, opportunities, and dangers available. One of its qualities is embedded in Nike s piece of the pie. Questionably, Nike is the main games attire and Footwear Company and the main brand over the globe. Hence, it can effectively advertise the tennis shoes in its current business sector. Nike too has a set up worldwide conveyance channel (chain), solid business sector methodology, a pioneer in innovation and configuration and itRead MoreSWOT Analysis Section here about the overall SWOT analysis and the benefits of doing one for a800 Words  | 4 PagesSWOT Analysis Section here about the overall SWOT analysis and the benefits of doing one for a company. Should introduce the topic to others†¦ especially group members so they know what the analysis does for us and why it is important. Such as, Strengths Strengths are characteristics of the company that give the business a competitive advantage over others. Nike has a strong international brand in which everyone recognizes it from their logo. The logo can be presented by itself without the nameRead MoreCore Competencies And Sustainable Competitive Advantage1296 Words  | 6 PagesCore Competencies and Sustainable Competitive Advantage In terms of core competency, Nike 1) provides high quality durable items to its customers. As a leader in fitness clothing and accessories, Nike strives to be on the edge of the market by providing innovative ideas that improve customer satisfaction. Recognizing the importance of eco-friendly business 3) Nike promotes recycling to its customers and utilize recycling in its own manufacture of products. Lastly, this organization 4) completes
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